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Let's Talk About It


Speaking life through friendly, engaging, and informative conversations.

The Importance of Black History Month and Why It Should Be Celebrated

Black History Month is a time to honor the rich heritage, achievements, and contributions of African Americans throughout history. It serves as a reminder of the resilience, innovation, and impact Black individuals have had on shaping society despite centuries of oppression and systemic challenges. The Importance of Black History Month...

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2025 The year of “Renewal” 2 Corinthians 4:16

A dictionary definition of renew would be something similar to “make new; restore freshness, life, or quality” or “to make spiritually new.” When the Bible speaks of renewal, it sometimes refers to the physical renewal—rest—that is required for our bodies to continue functioning at their best. Renewal is a continual process for...

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Baptism with the Holy Spirit (II) – Receive Him

Starting 2022 with power! Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Receive Him today! And Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to release the Power within. If Jesus couldn’t, or wouldn’t, operate independently of the Holy Spirit, neither should we. There are some who don’t believe that the baptism in...

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Baptism with the Holy Spirit (I)

Baptism with the Holy Spirit. What does it mean, why do we need it, and how do we get it? Now let’s discuss how we receive and operate in that Dunamis power. Acts 1:5 (NRS) John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the...

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Baptism With the Holy Spirit (Intro)

Baptism with the Holy Spirit. What does it mean, why do we need it, and how do we get it? Let’s begin with POWER. Webster’s define power as: the ability to act or produce an effect. The synonyms for power are: authority, jurisdiction, control, command, sway, dominion. The right to govern...

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SWOT – Inside with the Holy Spirit

As I continue to seek the Holy Spirit for how He wants me to minister and serve each of you through this website, He reminded of what our women’s ministry is all about. S.W.O.T. Shaping Women Of Today and how the Holy Spirit is portrayed through this SWOT analysis. Strengths–...

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Building a Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Building a Relationship In order to build a relationship with the Holy Spirit it requires time. When building a relationship with any one you must spend time with that person to get to know their character likes and dislikes, and the heart of who they are. This is the same...

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Holy Spirit – A Lifelong Friend

We are wired to be connected to another person, or persons.  A lifelong friend knows you quite well because they have journeyed with you through life stages.  When experiencing life’s demands it comforting to have a friend that you can share your most innermost thoughts and feelings with. The Holy...

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The Holy Spirit Gives Comfort

Holy Spirit The Comforter. As I face everyday trials and moments of discomfort. I am reminded in my spirit that if trials and discomfort is overwhelming and leading my day, then I am not dwelling with the Holy Spirit. He the Holy Spirit gives comfort. Jesus assures us that He...

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The Dwelling Place (Holy Spirit in Person)

The Holy Spirit is not a ghost, a dove, a wind or a force, He is a person. How do I know?  Jesus described the Holy Spirit as a He in John 14:17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him;...

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